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About GlobalKoreaMarket

If you have ever had an interest in Korean products but had difficulty travelling to Korea, you may now access high-quality Korean products online.
Global Korea Market is an online market place operated and managed by the Korean State Institution, Public Procurement Service (PPS).
High-quality companies and products with state institute delivery records are very reliable. You can gain access to excellent business partners and high-quality Korean products at any time.

* Who is PPS
PPS of the Republic of Korea purchases goods and services including construction works on behalf of public organizations.
PPS is also responsible for the effective management of government-owned goods and properties.

* Things you can do through Global Korea Market
- After an easy registration process, you may browse through high-quality Korean products online.
- By sending in an inquiry, you may negotiate over Korean products you have an interest in.
- You may publicly recruit for needed products or services through buying offers.
- Korean companies may contact you for purchases.

Global Korea Market and Korea’s PPS will aid you in your business expansion. Access the High-quality of Korea online.
[Privacy Policy] TEL. +82-70-4056-6443 / E-mail. ppsexport@korea.kr
Building 3, Government Complex-Daejeon, 189 Cheoungsa-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Korea. 35208
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