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Three dimensional printing machine


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Product Name

Three dimensional printing machine

Category Machinery Equipment
Company Name MERAIN CO., LTD.
Product Brochure
Certification Info CE TUV

Metal 3D printers for customized production of metal materials for various uses are equipment that melts various metals into precious metals (rings, brooches, various decorations, etc.), medical (teeth prostheses, artificial joints, jaw joints, facial cheekbones, etc.), industrial (space Airlines, automobiles, molds, etc.)

All metal three-dimensional molded products have been used as main processes by creating a shape frame and pouring and casting molten metal according to the frame and cutting processing of metal materials by milling using a 3D CAD.

MERAIN Co., Ltd. The processing method of a three-dimensional molded product by a metal 3D printer DAVID1.0 completes the three-dimensional molded product by thinly laying 14㎛~40㎛ of metal powder, such as flour, at 30㎛ on a vertically operated base, melting the metal powder with a laser, and stacking a further layer according to input 3D modeling. In this way, it is possible to manufacture high-temperature bearings that cannot be assembled, and precise spaces or installations inside can also be implemented.

This metal 3D printer consists of laser devices of different capacities depending on the size of the molded article, scanners that help operate, computers and monitors that connect command systems, dust collectors that cleanly regenerate fume generated inside the printer chamber, and various electrical safety devices.

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