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LED street light fixtures


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Product Name

LED street light fixtures

Category Electronics
Company Name Apex Intec Co., Ltd.
Product Brochure
Certification Info ISO 9001 ISO 14001 CE

LED street lighting is a foundational solution for helping to enhance quality of life and improve infrastructure in an efficient and cost-effective manner. By adding wireless controls and leveraging data through an intelligent platform, cities will be well on their way to a smarter, more sustainable future.

Our own designed optical lens (patent) offer the optimized photometric options to meet customer’s lighting distribution requirements according to various road conditions, while delivering reduced glare and improved light control. The high-power LED street lights from the GR/GS Series bring brilliant light to streets, sidewalks, parking spots and open spaces.

Each municipality across the country is unique, from its population and citizen demographics to the budget that drives key initiatives and priorities. But no matter the city and where leaders are in their "journey of light," our street lighting solutions are available to help save money, increase energy efficiency and travel down the road toward greater intelligence.

LED street lighting fixtures enhance illumination along city streets while providing savings through increased energy efficiency, decreased maintenance needs and longer-rated lifetimes. Discover the many ways LED street lights are superior to legacy lighting technologies like high pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures.

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